The day I went to clean out my apartment it had been snowing. It was the winter of 2015, so of course it had been snowing. This will be important later. My furniture and boxes had been moved the weekend before, on a Saturday I barely remember because my recent surgery was turning into aContinue reading >>
What grows in winter
On a frigid Friday night about three years ago, I surrendered. I spent the evening pacing the subterranean studio apartment where I lived alone, clutching my hair and praying Hail Mary. The pain I had dealt with since my Crohn’s diagnosis a few years prior had taken over my body and mind. The searing sensationContinue reading >>
The shower and the snow
This time last year I was home on medical leave, and my soon-to-be-husband was working morning shifts. He would wake around 2:00 am, which didn’t bother me much since I had nowhere to be. We’d chat before he said goodbye and I’d laze back to sleep, usually rising just before the winter’s late sunrise toContinue reading >>
On a morning when the city is quiet
I woke around five, to my own surprise, and was similarly surprised at how quiet it was. I live in a big city after all, and we are entering the season of leaving windows cracked at night to let in the late summer breezes. But at five the city was hushed, and even the breezesContinue reading >>
Two and a half resolutions
I rarely leap in to New Year’s Resolutions. What more often happens is that some time in the days after the calendar turns I realize that January is so much quieter than December, and thus would be a perfect time to take on a project. This year there were two that inspired me around JanuaryContinue reading >>