My Publications
Blog Posts
Beware the easy thing: on dominance and Christianity
I recently read Matthew D. Taylor’s excellent The Violent Shall Take it by Force, which describes the origins of the independent charismatic movement of Christianity that was a force behind […]
Keep Reading >2024: What I Read (and wrote, and sang)
What I Read Going over my Goodreads history is a yearly reckoning: did I read *enough* (whatever that means)? Did I get out of my comfort zone? Did I learn […]
Keep Reading >Learning to Love Lent through Music: AMDG Podcast
I was honored to be featured recently on the AMDG Podcast for a conversation about Lent. You can listen below on SoundCloud or listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Hope […]
Keep Reading >Subscribe to Margaret's Blog
Other Publications
You can read and hear more of Margaret's work on music, spirituality, and ministry in various publications. Here's a partial list:
Liturgical Singing after the Pandemic Changed the Game, GIA Quarterly, 2020
2019: A Book of Grace-Filled Days, 2019
The Well-Rounded Student: Studying Across Disciplines, Classical Singer, 2019
Spiritual Resolutions for a new Liturgical Year, Pastoral Music, November 2018
Life Lessons from Church Singing, GIA Quarterly, Summer 2018
A Singers' Walk Through Boston, Classical Singer Magazine, May 2018
Summer on a Budget, Classical Singer Magazine, January 2018
Looking back, looking forward, Classical Singer Magazine, May 2016
Social Media Basics for Singers, Classical Singer Magazine, October 2016
Losing (and Finding) my Breath, Classical Music Indy, August 2016
Called to Serve, Called to Lead, Notre Dame Church Life Journal, May 2016
Loving Your Body is an Act of Faith, CBE International, September 2015
Sitting in Silence,, July 2014
The First Blizzard and The Everyday Words at The Mudroom.
What We Say About Illness (and What it Says About Us), Colitis Ninja, June 2015
Redeeming my Personality, Thirty Seconds or Less, November 2015
STM Scripture Series, 2022
Let's talk!
I'm always looking to collaborate with new writers, editors, publishers and other creatives. Reach out if you'd like to work together!