Hi there! I’m really glad you’re here.
I am a full-time doctoral student, singer, actress, religious educator, and writer living in Boston. I’m in studies at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, pursuing a PhD in Theology and Education. I came to these studies after many years teaching religion and music at a Catholic high school.
In addition to reading and studying, I conduct a few liturgical choirs, run half-marathons, garden, practice yoga, follow politics, and sing. I’ve performed all around New England and beyond in opera, oratorio, concerts, musical theater, and recitals. You can read my professional bio elsewhere on this site.
My journey in writing began with a travel blog I wrote during a summer I was singing in Italy. After my return I discovered I wanted to write more, that I enjoyed learning from the world and sharing what I’ve learned. I discovered that I have things that I want to say, so I kept writing. For five years my blog was called “Felice Mi Fa”, which was really clever but not so easy to pronounce. Since spirituality and identity are major interests of mine. I seriously considered naming my blog “Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret.” As if doctoral studies didn’t involve enough writing, I publish regularly on spirituality and the arts. Visit my publications page for a full list of my work.
My research interests include Ignatian spirituality, mimetic theory and spiritual formation in schools. I’m also passionate about liturgy and liturgical catechesis, and have been fortunate to be a part of Notre Dame’s inaugural Mathis Liturgical Leadership Program, with whom I have done two years of online learning and taken research trips to Rome and San Antonio. Inspired by this experience, I am preparing a continuing education course for Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute for Church Life on Preparing Catholic School Liturgies. I was also a speaker at the 2022 Virtual Eucharist Reverence Conference; click here to watch my presentation on Reverence in Catholic School Liturgies.
I’m a New Englander through and through, reared South Windsor, Connecticut and now living in Boston. My husband is also a New Englander, and we happily live in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston.