Stage makeup at Mass

If I were better at marketing myself, or at least at branding my blog, I would just do one thing, and write about that. Do the people who visit the blog because they want to read about singing and performing get disgusted with all this God Stuff? Or do the liturgists who came here for an unexpectedly viral post about the pipe organ roll their eyes when I get going about what I do on stage? And what about when I write about running, or living in a big city? Worst of all, what about when I get all “meta” and write about writing?

When I put it all like that, this blog sounds intolerable. photo (15)

This weekend we wrapped up a run of The Sound of Music with a Sunday matinee. After singing that last high C in Climb Ev’ry Mountain and blowing a kiss to my mom during curtain call, I quickly kicked the habit (get it?) and started helping with strike.

Together with the rest of the cast I wiped down dressing room counters, carried music stands, tied and re-tied curtains and peeled spike tape off the stage. We took a break for some pizza and next thing I knew I had to be out the door to get to rehearsal for the collegiate choir I conduct for Sunday night mass.

I got to the church right on time, we ran our music, said a prayer and headed out into the chapel to offer our ministry. There was just one problem. I still had my stage makeup on.

Don’t get me wrong, I had not caked on the greasepaint to play a nun. But there was a fair amount of Mehron stick makeup adorning my cheeks, nose and forehead. I was grateful for the low lighting, and that no one was going to get to close.

So there’s a decent summary of the life I lead: wearing stage makeup for mass. What can I say? I do more than one thing, and sometimes I do those things back to back. Perhaps my life would be easier if I just had one passion: theater or singing or liturgy or fitness or ecclesiology or history or languages or food. But as it is I love many things, and that is a blessing, not a curse.

All of these are held together by a love of creation: that which has been created and the ways we participate in God’s creative Spirit. The world will keep turning if I do too many things, mass will go on if my face isn’t washed.

Margaret Felice

8 thoughts on “Stage makeup at Mass”

  1. I think it is great that you write about so many different topics. It makes you more relatable, and gives us readers who don’t actually know you in real life, a better idea of who you are. Having so many things to be passionate about is a good thing, assuming you don’t stretch yourself too thin trying to do it all.

    1. Thanks! I try to keep it as interesting as I can, but sometimes I feel like I’m all over the map. I am learning in my “old age” to not stretch myself too thin.

  2. yours is one of my most favorite blogs because yours is a real life and you are gracious and gifted in your manner of sharing it with the rest of us!

  3. I read your blog because I love the interplay of prayer, liturgy and the arts. It is a parallel that I myself like to live. And I do not see those possibilities as opposites but as extensions of the gift that is given in many ways. And you breath life into all of these as you thoughtfully reflect upon them in the context of your life and spirituality. And forgive me for stating the obvious, but your Catholicism runs deeply through all these. That is the blessing you bring to the table.

    1. Thanks – I have gotten to know many wonderful people who life as we do at the intersection of art and spirituality. And yes, I agree, the Catholic influence on my writing is unmistakable, for better and for worse. Thanks for reading!

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8 thoughts on “Stage makeup at Mass”

  1. I think it is great that you write about so many different topics. It makes you more relatable, and gives us readers who don’t actually know you in real life, a better idea of who you are. Having so many things to be passionate about is a good thing, assuming you don’t stretch yourself too thin trying to do it all.

    1. Thanks! I try to keep it as interesting as I can, but sometimes I feel like I’m all over the map. I am learning in my “old age” to not stretch myself too thin.

  2. yours is one of my most favorite blogs because yours is a real life and you are gracious and gifted in your manner of sharing it with the rest of us!

  3. I read your blog because I love the interplay of prayer, liturgy and the arts. It is a parallel that I myself like to live. And I do not see those possibilities as opposites but as extensions of the gift that is given in many ways. And you breath life into all of these as you thoughtfully reflect upon them in the context of your life and spirituality. And forgive me for stating the obvious, but your Catholicism runs deeply through all these. That is the blessing you bring to the table.

    1. Thanks – I have gotten to know many wonderful people who life as we do at the intersection of art and spirituality. And yes, I agree, the Catholic influence on my writing is unmistakable, for better and for worse. Thanks for reading!

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