If you are not familiar with the good work that is being done at LoyolaPress.com, your homework is to go on over there right away and check them out (finish reading my post first, of course!) With educational resources, the 3-minute retreat, a wide variety of books and extensive reflections on Ignatian Spirituality, Loyola Press has long impressed me with their work both in print and online.
Today they kick off a new series on Arts and Faith. In their own words:
Arts and Faith is a collection of stories from Catholics around the globe who demonstrate the inspiring—and surprising—ways art expresses and deepens their relationship with God.
The special series kicks off on LoyolaPress.com with daily articles, videos, slide shows, podcasts and more from four categories of interpretive art: Music, Dance, Drama and Visual Arts.
You may notice that the press release mentions a religion teacher who prays while singing opera. Sound like anyone we know? I will be featured in the series on June 6 in a video recorded in late 2012. All I really remember about the filming was that I agonized over whether or not to wear my glasses. Now I don’t remember what I decided.
Tune in on June 6 to find out. Until then, be sure to visit the new Arts and Faith section from Loyola Press to read other stories of prayerful creativity, and to share your own.
What have been your experiences of the intersection of art and faith?