Since I leave for Italy in four days, it’s hard to think about much else (even though there seem to be a hundred other things that need my attention). I considered writing “seven things I’m anxious about preparing for a trip”, but how would I limit myself to just seven?
Getting to know Assisi better
Most of the time I’m there will be spent in Assisi, which I visited once for six hours thirteen years ago. On my last trip abroad, five years ago, I spent five weeks in a small hill town in Les Marches, and loved the experience of really learning the ins and outs and locals. I’m hoping that these three weeks will be enough time to become well acquainted with Assisi.
Putting a show up in ten days
If I have to choose between a long leisurely rehearsal process and a quick intense one, I will choose the latter every time. My score is marked, notes are learned, and I’m eager to dive right in to The Magic Flute with my colleagues and get it on its feet.
A novena to John XXIII
I love Good Pope John. A student once made me a poster with John XXIII’s face surrounded by heart-shaped stickers, knowing it would earn an A.
After all the stress about my physical health the last few years, I’ve decided to make a novena to Papa Buona in the days leading up to our trip to the Vatican. I pray that through his intercession my body will hold up as well in life as his has in death.
Getting caught up on America Magazine
Last year I got a web-only subscription to America that has been a treat, but for the last few months (say, six months) I’ve been uploading them to my iPad and never getting around to reading them. So I have more than a few back issues to read in airports and on trains. If you have any favorite articles that I missed the last few months give me a heads up so I can be sure to check them out.
My crossword book
Who knew that buying a crossword book would be the most stressful part of my preparation so far? I wanted one small enough to fit in my purse, but big enough to be worth the $10 I was about to spend on it. I needed the puzzles to be challenging enough, but not so difficult that I would get angry at them. The paper needed to be the right thickness and texture, and the cover couldn’t look too stupid.
In retrospect, I might have channelled a wee bit of travel anxiety into my agonizing over this purchase. Eventually I settled on one and am ready to go. Except I should probably try to find just the right pen, too…
Speaking Italian
While we’re on the topic of things I’m anxious about (hmm…so much for this post not being about my nerves), I’m terrified that I will have forgotten how to speak Italian. Though I’ve never quite achieved fluency, I am/was conversationally proficient. Though there is no evidence that speaking Italian is like riding a bicycle, I’m hoping it will start to come back to me when we touch down in Fiumicino.
Being there
And not just being there, but being totally present. As much as I love you guys, I’m not going to stress about keeping a schedule of posting, or showing off all my adventures on Facebook and Twitter. If I have time to post and have something worth saying, I’ll post. If not, I’ll leave it until I get back.
Anything I’ve missed on this list? Anything I absolutely have to see or do when I’m over there?
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