For the Anniversary of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador

Yesterday was actually the anniversary, but I was away from my computer. Someone sent these out and I thought they hit the nail on the head:

A gospel that doesn’t unsettle,
a Word of God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin,
a Word of God that doesn’t touch the real sin of the
society in which it is being proclaimed,
what Gospel is that?

~ Oscar Romero

We need to work for peace from the perspective
of the suffering of orphans and widows and the
tragedy of the assassinated and the disappeared.
We must keep our eyes on the God of life, the
God of the poor, and not the idols, or the gods
of death that devour everything.

~ Ignacio Ellacuria, SJ
Martyred 11/16/89

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Margaret Felice

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