Whoever hears the message of the resurrection of Christ in such a way that in it the cry of the crucified has become inaudible, hears not the Gospel but a myth of the victors. – Johann Baptist Metz There are so many things one could say about the events of the last few days. TheContinue reading >>
The shame of being careful
I am much more careful when I write than when I speak. Naturally inclined to run off at the mouth, and with poor impulse control, I am in a constant battle with self to temper my speech, but have always attempted to be more prudent with my writing. The best of this is rooted in aContinue reading >>
Some words about speaking (or, Even Loudmouths Are Insecure)
Last week I joined 24 Liturgical Music Ministers at Notre Dame Vision to help them wrap up a conference week with two morning presentations. We spent one day on relationships and community, and another on looking forward to how we can continue our growth as artists and ministers. I’ll be sharing a fleshed out versionContinue reading >>
How the Church changes
Change is in the air these days. Flags are coming down and new laws are being solidified and marriage rights are being extended and American society is simply shaking with change. But what of our Catholic Church? We don’t change, right? And so all of us are in a tizzy, from those of us whoContinue reading >>