I’m happy
This is rambly, and on a topic I have deliberately tried to avoid all fall. This is the first time in a long time that everything I voted for ended […]
Out with friends last night, they insisted that they were not important enough to make the blog. I’m here to prove them wrong. At one point Brian turned to me
Maureen Dowd’s column occasionally makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I think today’s is brilliant. Aaron Sorkin conjures a meeting of Obama and BartletI particularly liked this observation:If you excelled
So Sarah Palin is going to be McCain’s running mate. Whoopideedoo. It has always bugged me that governors are put on a pedestal when it comes to running for President.
I have no recollection of why we were there, but when Bill Clinton spoke during convention four years ago the whole gang was watching in the Paraclete dining room. As