7 Quick Takes volume 28

— 1 —

Like most of the rest of the country, we have been experiencing Mother Nature’s mood swings this week. It started off frigid, as it was for most of last week (that’s when I start my “why do I live in New England again?” musings). By mid-week it was balmy for just long enough to give me spring fever. That’s a dangerous state when we’re not even to February yet. Things are starting to even out a little, which means back to it being colder than I’d like.

— 2 —

I finished my January audition marathon with two in New York City last Saturday. It was a very cold day, but I managed to warm up between auditions with lunch at Bravo Pizza. YOU WANT TO EAT HERE. Pizza has been on my verboten list since the diagnosis, since I find that filling up on carbs upsets my digestion. Also, I don’t love pizza, so it wasn’t much of a sacrifice.

Bravo pizzeria

As soon as I walked into Bravo on 5th, I looked at the beautiful thin-crust pizzas in the display case and thought “I bet I can get away with a slice…” I ended up sharing a slice (supplementing that with salad), and came to the conclusion that I don’t dislike pizza, I dislike BAD pizza.

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Speaking of endorsements, I also heartily approve of Trader Joe’s Champagne Vinaigrette. I am particular about salad dressing and this one is delicious. That’s all I have to say about that.

— 4 —

One of the songs I’m working on for the recital March 20 is titled “A Nun Takes the Veil” and uses the text of Hopkins’ Heaven-Haven. Both my voice teacher and my accompanist commented on the poetry, at which point I started shouting out bits of verse by my favorite Jesuit poet. They now think I’m crazier than they did before. But sometimes you just have to recite As kingfishers catch fire.

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This week has felt really long and I am tired in a fashion unique to schoolteachers on Fridays. It’s almost impossible for me to believe, but I have no auditions and no church gigs this weekend. I am going to have to go to church like a regular person and sit in the pews. How weird is that??

— 6 —

I leave for an 8-day Ignatian silent retreat in fewer than two weeks. I have been looking forward to this for months and am so excited. My task between now and then is to find a new journal. My honey has been very patient as I search high and low for just the right journal (we all know how hard it is to find just the right journal). I think he has this idea that if I find a good journal then I’ll write a book and become rich and we can live the high life. That’s a nice dream.

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Though I don’t have a dog in the fight this Super Bowl, I will still be attending a party Sunday night to watch the game with friends. Our host told us he was going to bring out his deep-fryer. How could I refuse?

Have a great weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Margaret Felice

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