I’m reporting here from the land of “better late than never” because I spent the day sitting outside. I’ll be taking my leisurely attitude into the post with some short takes.
I think we all know that the days of sitting outside in the sun all day are numbered, at least for this New England girl. I usually get some pretty rotten seasonal depression. Last year, what with a stressful long-distance relationship and undiagnosed Crohn’s disease, I didn’t have the emotional bandwidth for SAD. What will this autumn hold? Stay tuned.
What’s that you’re asking about tuning? Are you curious if I’m going to sing in tune two weekends from now when I cantor Boston College’s 150th anniversary mass at Fenway in front of 20,000 people? I think I will. At least I’ll try.
I’m still plowing through the book Thirty Days. I’m a fast reader, but these days I am not a frequent reader. Maybe all those months of reading Rahner for school have traumatized me.
Today I was reminiscing about my SAT scores, which are memorable after all these years. Do you still remember yours?
Today is the last day to help Boston Opera Collaborative Fund the Future. Getting to the end of one of these campaigns is like reaching the end of a marathon. We’re all proud of our achievements but glad that it’s done!
I take holidays very seriously, and I take the holiday at the end of summer more seriously than most. I will be observing days of rest very intentionally this weekend. I hope you do as well!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!