
This is my body…this is my blood. Take. Eat. Drink.

There is so much to be amazed about in the accounts of Jesus’ final days. Knowing how he was to die, for us, I suppose I shouldn’t be amazed that at his Last Supper he continued to give to us. Jesus gave us his body, so that even when they thought his body was gone it would remain, and we would know him in the breaking of the bread.

And with that, he turned his finite corporeality into something we can taste and touch again and again.

So it is fitting that what he asks of us also springs from a well that can never run dry: I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you. Just as he spent himself – poured out his blood, lay down his life – we are called to be wastrels with love.

Live in my love. And when we live in it we obtain that which we spend in discipleship, and cast our lot with that same love which is terrifying, consuming, and inexhaustible.

Margaret Felice

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