Beer and potato chips

With summer coming to an end around here, and the “real world” staring me in the face as all of my jobs start back up at once, I am forced to contend with the sad reality that I have once again put on a few summer pounds. Too much fun, and lazy summer days filled with beer and Cape Cod Potato chips have, shall we say, softened my physique.

No big deal, I tell myself. No snacks at work this month. No beer either. A few extra workouts. I’ll get back on track, I tell myself. And if this year is anything like years past, I will.

Yesterday I wrote a post about love being the fulfillment of the law, and how I make a conscious effort to love people in order to treat them as well as I can. The post was honest, and heartfelt, and then I went about the rest of my day and realized that I was way out of practice in the art of loving. My muscles of goodness can atrophy just as quickly as my quads, and as they often do during routine-less summers, they have again.

I wish my mouth didn’t love the feeling of cold beer and salty chips, and that it didn’t love the feeling of a quick, cutting remark or snarky barb. I wish I could remember more often that the shallow satisfactions ultimately do not satisfy me, ultimately leave me bloated and undisciplined.

Like any good perpetual student, I go into September with a lot of work to do.

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Margaret Felice

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