The Downside of Discretion

The downside of discretion is that it’s hard to get credit for the things you don’t say.

Readers who know me are probably shocked to hear that occasionally a thought comes into my head that I don’t announce to the world. I think discretion is an under-practiced art, and those who make comments like “I have an opinion but I’ll keep it to myself” do violence to the idea of actually keeping something to yourself.

That said, I would like it on the record that I have had scads of pithy (and to my mind, hysterical) comments about training this summer, particularly about the filth of the pool in which I have been swimming. The sliver of my brain that is able to process normal social cues tells me that these comments about pool cleanliness are gross and inappropriate and that I should keep them to myself. Deep down though, I know that they are funny.

I had to get that out. One week until the triathlon.

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Margaret Felice

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