Last night I drove down to Providence for an audition. Two nights ago I couldn’t sleep, with what I thought was nervousness over the audition. That was odd to me, since I very rarely am nervous before I’m going to sing for someone (why should I be nervous? I sing all the time. And I’m not terrible at it. So why stress?) Last night I couldn’t sleep either, so apparently it wasn’t the audition, but it does mean that I am anxious about something else and haven’t figured out what it is yet. Going back to work in a few weeks may be the instigator.
Anyway, this audition was contingent upon two things:
1. Finding a dress that would cover my knees, which are completely shredded from my recent bout of vertigo/clumsiness
2. Finding a way to roll up my passenger side window, which had been stuck since last Thursday.
I am getting spoiled since I have been driving the Jeep. When I was driving the old heap, I was never shocked when something went wrong. You didn’t know when you would snap a belt, or leak oil, or have a wheel fall off. For the sake of nostalgia, let’s look at the old rustbucket.
Yesterday morning I took the car down to my mechanic, since I needed an oil change anyway. I have the best mechanic in the world (other than you, Dad!) here in Southie. If the world can be divided into people who do what they can get away with, and people who do what is right, my guy falls squarely into the second camp. It also doesn’t hurt that we think similarly: when I explained the situation to him, he mentioned that he could easily get the window up, and I could just not use it. I said “oh yeah that’s fine. You just need to close it. You don’t need to fix it.”
And now it’s closed. Life is good. And the audition went pretty well too.