What I read: May 2014

A collection of essays, a gardening guide, and a cookbook…it’s been an interesting month!

Leaping: Revelations & Epiphanies

I reviewed Doyle’s The Thorny Grace of It a few months ago, and raved about his sacramental imagination and way with language. I’m tempted to write another gushing review full of praise and light on detail because I adore this book as much as the first. Leaping is a book of essays, a form that Doyle uses masterfully. Each essay uses a different context and theme to point the reader toward the overarching theme of grace. Perhaps most inspiring to me is that his writing convinces me that one could go a whole life writing about grace and love and never exhaust the topics. I’d rather enjoy doing that myself.

Read this inspiring collection in paperback or Kindle.

photo (2) The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening in the Northeast

Not exactly high literature, and perhaps not so interesting to my international readers, this easy, accesible guide helped me get my summer garden off the ground. With great tips for container gardeners (like myself) and realistic advice for those of us crunched for time, it met a lot of my needs and was extremely thorough. If you happen to be a vegetable gardener in the northeast, pick this book up in paperback or Kindle.

The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill

Do we see a theme here? Summer’s on the horizon and I love my veggies! My grill-loving plus-one loves to eat the veggie creations I come up with, but our repertoire of vegetarian grill recipes has been limited. This beautifully laid-out cookbook includes spreads, toppings, dressings, appetizers, soups and mains. It’s not entirely vegetarian, so you omnivores out there will surely find yummy treats as well. One thing’s for sure: we’ll be eating well this summer. My copy is paperback, ready to have its pages stained during one of my sloppy cooking forays, but you can also order it on the easier-to-clean Kindle.

I already have a reading list as I ease into the lazy days of summer, but I hope you will share with me some of your suggestions, in any genre. Between long plane rides and lazy afternoons I should have much more time to read next month. I’ll also be introducing the How Can I Keep From Singing series of guest posts this month, so we’ll be giving you plenty to read too!

What did you read this month?

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Purchases made through these links send some change into my piggy bank at no additional cost to the purchaser.

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Margaret Felice

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