Shootings, politics, and blame
Again. Another shooting. Another reason to say “how awful”, another opportunity for your heart to break. This one hits close to home, so I’m sitting here weeping, but most of […]
Again. Another shooting. Another reason to say “how awful”, another opportunity for your heart to break. This one hits close to home, so I’m sitting here weeping, but most of […]
We are asked throughout Advent to stay ready. For the next few weeks I invite you to reflect with me on the many forms of readiness. Like many young people,
Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all those engaged in selling and buying there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who
The funniest thing happened this week, more than once: I was not completely hideous in a social situation. I’m exaggerating (about it being the funniest thing, not about my level of