There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test Jesus and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” He said in reply, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with allContinue reading >>
Our powerless Jesus
Jesus came as a refugee baby. He lived as a religious minority, was distrusted and harassed by authorities and was executed by the state. If this were a movie made in the 21st century there would be some grand revenge sequel, but instead what we get is a quiet resurrection, 4o days spent eating with friends,Continue reading >>
The thing worth chasing: on saying goodbye to a friend
I get awfully emotionally seeing the people I love receive the Eucharist. When I was quite ill with Crohn’s, before surgery put me into remission, I was often unable to stand through mass. I would hoist myself out of the pew with my parents or brother or now-husband, and would weep at the sight ofContinue reading >>
Peace and anger
“We are all children of God, and God is the God of peace”. – Pope Francis Join #PopeFrancis in prayer on this #internationaldayofpeace — Ignatian Solidarity (@IGsolidarityNET) September 21, 2016 Today is the International Day of Peace, and I am struggling to feel peaceful. I woke up this morning determined to write something (again)Continue reading >>
The least wrong thing to say
It’s a dangerous time to have a thought. In the aftermath of a tragedy, for whatever thought you have, there are plenty of people willing to tell you that it is wrong. The internet is not a place where people assume you mean well. I wrote those words four years ago when innocents were massacredContinue reading >>