After going over my 2022 reading review, I’m not feeling as confident in the quality of this year’s list, despite having reason to read a lot: in 2023 I went back to school to begin doctoral studies and am reading all the time. Whether or not my recap is impressive, I want to share withContinue reading >>
A good interpretation
It is necessary to suppose that every good Christian is more ready to put a good interpretation on another’s statement than to condemn it as false. – St Ignatius of Loyola Is there a work of art, or piece of writing, that means something different to you each time you come back to it? ItsContinue reading >>
Dear Pope Francis: A very joyful book review
When the Pope Francis lovefest began early on in his papacy, I had two reactions. The first was that the little gestures that showed us his character from the outset – paying the bill at his hotel after the conclave, for example – seemed so easy and obvious after he’d done them. Why don’t leaders do theseContinue reading >>
The First Principle and Foundation (a #FindIggy repost)
This week in honor of the feast of St. Ignatius (July 31) I will be sharing some reflections on Ignatian Spirituality, inspired by‘s #FindIggy campaign. Today I’m sharing what might be the first piece of spiritual writing I ever did, written when I was all of 16 or 17 years old as a religion classContinue reading >>
Finding Iggy, Finding a home
This week in honor of the feast of St. Ignatius (July 31) I will be sharing some reflections on Ignatian Spirituality, inspired by‘s #FindIggy campaign. Today I’m inspired by the unique spirituality that Ignatius and his spiritual heirs embodied, and how that has offered me a spiritual home. Out at Notre Dame last week IContinue reading >>