My circle of artistic friends has been engaged this week in a Facebook meme of “Post your First Headshot”. This morning I dug out the first photo that could be described as a headshot, which was taken to post in the school lobby when I was in a play in high school. I’m in aContinue reading >>
Maybe artists aren’t crazy after all
Not long ago, getting ready for an event at which I had to dress and act professionally and convince people of my qualifications, I was hit with a wave of insecurity. I was in the shower (where many existential crises take place), and was overwhelmed by the fear that everyone at the event would “seeContinue reading >>
All the ways we shimmer
Why does it take so long to figure out what is good for us? Why are we in our 20s before we realize that greasy pizza makes us feel yucky the next day, or that too much coffee makes us jittery? Why do we reject the feedback our bodies give us regarding all-nighters? Why doContinue reading >>
Singing through the Messiah
Voice lessons are all about best use of the voice – catching overtones, tuning perfectly, collaborating with accompanists, singing powerful, gracefully, cleanly, and with control. Until this week I hadn’t had a voice lesson since before my surgery, and my lessons in the last year had mostly been taken in the shadow of the painContinue reading >>