A half-hour into yoga class, we were warmed up enough that we could lunge low, but not yet so fatigued that our legs would give way. I had my right foot a yard behind my bent left leg, with the ball of my right toes on the mat as if I were a Barbie doll.Continue reading >>
7 things that made me happy this week
I’ve been trying to get a lot done this week, including practicing, paperwork, catching up on email, writing and running. Much to my surprise I found myself tired and a little stressed. So rather than a long, intellectual 7 Quick Takes, this week I’m focusing on some of my simple pleasures. — 1 — FunnyContinue reading >>
Seven ways I’ve been fueling myself in 2013
Tomorrow is the first of June, which up until I did the math a moment ago I thought marked the halfway point of the year. Turns out we are only 5/12ths of the way through the year, but that won’t stop me from reflecting on how I have been working on my One Word forContinue reading >>
Seven Quick Takes, volume 16
— 1 — Much as I suspected, when jumping on the Seven Quick Takes bandwagon 16 weeks ago, I have a terrible time remembering which “volume” each entry should be, and always have to go back and see what the last week was. — 2 — GIG TONIGHT! I’m joining my colleagues with the BostonContinue reading >>
7 quick takes, volume 9
— 1 — Today was the deadline by which I had to order prints from the photo service I use before they deleted all of them. This happens every year, and since I don’t want to lose my archive I pick out a few to print a stave off virtual annihilation for another year. HereContinue reading >>