This post was originally going to be “7 things we should have shut down instead of the government”, but all I could come up with was Hooters.
I love a good pen. These are what I’m writing with these days, in all their fabulous colors.
Why am I so busy right now that I only have time to post about pens, you ask? Because I am in rehearsals for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee which runs outside Boston the first two weekends of November.
In my spare moments I’ve been reading Living By Faith, Dwelling in Doubt
by Kyle R. Cupp. Disclaimer: I’m only 15 pages into it. That gives you an idea of how many spare moments I’ve had lately. I’ll be sure to post a more thorough review at the end of the month, when I usually write about what I’ve read. Hopefully at that point I will have made it a little farther past the table of contents.
I have already started getting offers for Christmas caroling gigs, and I’ve got my Holiday Pops schedule set. Tickets are on sale for the Pops!
The Red Sox are in the playoffs (for now). A few nights ago there was a 3:00 pm game which was great. I made it to the end! Lately it’s 8:00 pm starts, and I just can’t last that long.
At the end of my half-marathon last weekend (on which I had a PR!) I stopped at the bubbler, slurped some water, rinsed my face and used some tissue to wipe my face and then to blow my nose. Once I got to the end of the chute I went off in search of a trash can. When I got to one a woman was standing there and reached out to take my rubbish.
“Uh, it’s used tissues. You don’t want to touch that.”
“Oh, OK!” she perkily replied. She gestured to one of three barrels and told me “You can compost those tissues!”
This exchange was brought to you by the greenest race in the world! One of my favorite things about that race is that it is environmentally friendly: Local foods, reusable bags, composting assistants. Read more about their Greening here.
Over the summer, while away from Boston, I became hooked on Celestial Tea Antioxidant Max Green Tea – Blackberry Pomegranate
. I’ve been having a hard time finding it in stores near my apartment. I haven’t yet resorted to buying tea on the internet, but I might have to.
Have a great weekend, everyone! And be sure to share with me your favorite pens, teas, books, teams, concerts, or whatever else you have going on!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
I love Kyle’s book – I can’t wait to hear what you think. Good luck with your play, I’d love to come see you. I was in Boston last week, just overnight. Next time I hope to have more time and I will let you know so that we can have a proper meet up!
I love that idea!
I’m a G2 girl, though I desperately miss being able to easily get fountain pens. If caring about pens is a first-world problem, caring about fountain pens is a whole other iteration.
Trader Joe’s Irish Breakfast. The Decaf Irish Breakfast is also good and makes brilliant iced tea. Brew a quart of that, add three cups Trader Joe’s Cherry Cider and one cup water. Super yummy. While we’re on the subject of Trader Joe’s, their [seasonal] pear cider is amazing.
I’m looking at my book shelf of all sorts of historic, rare, obscure, and some very popular books on historic and practical theology. I’ve “decided” that everyone needs to read The New Testament in Modern English by J.B. Phillips, Life Together and The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, and Devotional Classics: Selected Readings For Individuals and Groups (a Renovaré resource for spiritual renewal) edited by Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith. Extra credit for Thomas Merton or Henri Nouwen.
My #15 Pedroia shirt is in the closet. Los Angeles wishes the NLCS had gone the other way.
No concerts, thank goodness, but moving madness (you mean I have to unpack?????????) and trying to find a job is eclipsing life.
Trying to adjust to an entirely new reality is a challenge.
Six guinea pigs are very entertaining indeed.
Not writing.