Why I’m not posting today (and a question, because I’m nosy)

I’m forgoing my usual Monday afternoon post in order to bang out rough drafts of the two articles I’ve had rolling around in my head for what feels like forever. I have a terrible habit of not writing anything down until it is fully formed in my brain. I wonder if I’d do better just writing and seeing what comes out.

Which is your preference? Sitting down to write and figuring it out as you go, or planning like crazy and then writing it down?

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Margaret Felice

6 thoughts on “Why I’m not posting today (and a question, because I’m nosy)”

  1. Little of both, actually. I like having an idea of where something is going, but if I do too much planning, I get bored quickly. (Same with music.)

  2. I agree with Jen: a little of both. I tend to draft things out on the computer early on in the process, then leave it alone for awhile. It rolls around in my head and when I come back to the written version, I have a lot more clarity. There’s always the danger of tweaking something to death, though, and that gets boring.

    1. I feel like that’s the best way to do it, at least for me. Sometimes I go way too long before writing down the bare bones and I get really bogged down (or put it off forever). I have lots of post it notes around with bullet points that I hope to put into paragraph form someday!

  3. Writing as I think. If I sort it out completely in my head then it is much less likely that I will bother to write it, because why bother?

    1. Wise as always! I know deep down that I learn as I write, so if I don’t respect that process does it mean that even deeper down there’s something I don’t want to learn?

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6 thoughts on “Why I’m not posting today (and a question, because I’m nosy)”

  1. Little of both, actually. I like having an idea of where something is going, but if I do too much planning, I get bored quickly. (Same with music.)

  2. I agree with Jen: a little of both. I tend to draft things out on the computer early on in the process, then leave it alone for awhile. It rolls around in my head and when I come back to the written version, I have a lot more clarity. There’s always the danger of tweaking something to death, though, and that gets boring.

    1. I feel like that’s the best way to do it, at least for me. Sometimes I go way too long before writing down the bare bones and I get really bogged down (or put it off forever). I have lots of post it notes around with bullet points that I hope to put into paragraph form someday!

  3. Writing as I think. If I sort it out completely in my head then it is much less likely that I will bother to write it, because why bother?

    1. Wise as always! I know deep down that I learn as I write, so if I don’t respect that process does it mean that even deeper down there’s something I don’t want to learn?

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