Risen indeed, Alleluia!

As much as I’d love to devote more time to ecumenism, I’m a busy woman, and sometimes my best efforts toward Christian unity simply involve stealing practices from my fellow Christians.  This is how I ended up loving “The Old Rugged Cross” and doing my best to invoke the paschal greeting which, although not un-Catholic, has not been as embraced in modern Catholicism as it has among other Christian groups.

The Lord is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

I do my best to encourage that response in my little world, and today I heard it proclaimed with such fervor that my eyes welled with tears. I wanted my entire life to be caught up in the force of that exclamation point.

“A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot” – St. Augustine.

I live in a world full of bright colors, full of laughter. I am surrounded by people whose angels outweigh their demons. I believe that good can overpower evil, and I am prepared to channel all of my power in the service of that unconquerable Love. Maybe it’s just part of my nature, to be one big exclamation point, to want to do everything larger and more forcefully than everyone else. If it’s part of my nature, then I offer praise for my nature, because it welcomes me into the grandeur of the Resurrection.

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Margaret Felice

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